Tag Archives: photography

Take a picture, it lasts longer.

26 Jan

I got a little click-happy with my camera since we bought it all of 2 days ago. Of course my subjects of choice were the usual suspects – the boys. I’ll share a few of the pictures I’ve taken of them…more pictures to come in other posts!

I love this picture because Kiddie’s eyes match the green in the blanket..

Eddie contemplates getting on top of the kitchen cabinets

Too tired to jump…the stove is a good resting spot instead.

Noah focuses on Civilization V

Nixon is about to fall asleep!

Day 8 – A Photo that makes you sad

21 Nov

This picture was taken on the day Noah and I graduated from college with his Grandpa Bennie. It makes me sad because Bennie passed away last May. 😦

Day 7 – A photo that makes you happy

21 Nov

This photo makes me extremely happy every time I see it. Look at it! How can you not be happy when seeing this photo? My smile is huge and it’s obvious that the excitement I was feeling in that moment was uncontrollable! And then there is my dad’s face. It is just amazing to me. He is looking down the aisle at Noah and he just seems so happy that he is walking his one and only daughter to marry the love of her life. Okay now that I’m getting teary eyed…

Shout Out – Tom Smarch Photography

18 Nov

Our wedding day was the most amazing day of my life!! As much as I would love to relive that day over and over again, I can’t…but I do have amazing photographs that captured the spirit of the day and the love that was in the air. Tom Smarch and his assistant, Christina Wedge, were absolutely wonderful to work with. I booked Tom only a few months before our wedding and he did such an amazing job! He made me feel comfortable, beautiful and like a model….while still feeling like myself! Christina was so much fun and kept us entertained and treated me like a model. If you are in the Atlanta area I would highly recommend them. Check out Tom’s facebook page while his website is under construction.

Their work speaks for itself….