15 minutes

21 Dec

I was reading a Marriage blog called Engaged Marriage this evening and started to subscribe to their blog. Right after I subscribed I received an email on the first lesson. It was called “15 minutes”. The premise of it is to spend 15 minutes with your spouse/partner with out any interruptions. This way you and your partner have alone time that is all yours and not taken up by any outside distractions. This means turning off the TV, putting down the sudoku, leaving the dishes in the sink and just hanging out. Noah and I actually do this a lot. One of our ways of making sure we carve out 15 minutes for each other is by taking Nixon on a walk. On nights that we don’t do that we usually spend (at the very least) 15 minutes with each other doing something else. That could be eating dinner together, playing a game of gin rummy or just going to bed a little bit early so we can talk before we fall asleep. I think it’s a great way to make sure that you are communicating on a daily basis.

How do you connect with your boyfriend/fiance/husband/wife?

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